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ナナコプラスについて ~会社概要~

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Message from the Representative Director
nanaco plus+ continues to create products crafted with perfection, based on the concept of “inheriting the beauty of Japan’s four seasons and traditional craftsmanship to create something new with innovation and creativity.”
Many of Japan’s traditional sweets are creations that celebrate the four seasons. They give physical form to the four seasons, that are an integral part of the Japanese aesthetic, and their creative craftsmanship has been passed down in an unbroken line for generations. What we do is take that craftsmanship and the traditional designs, turn them into exciting products, and communicate a new kind of culture.

Our philosophy is “slow and steady wins the race.” We are not creating trends. We want the products made by nanaco plus+ to be innovative and something that will allow shapes that have been loved since times gone by to continue to be loved, with positive (plus) ideas and creativity.

With nanaco plus+’s creative abilities, we want to give new life to Japan’s wonderful skills and culture and to establish a new culture and category.

With our background and foundations in making things, and the passion and dynamism of our staff, both industries will grow and prosper. We will continue to create products that will bring beaming smiles to many people’s faces, so ask for your continued support.

代表取締役 三谷 由紀

Representative Yuki Mitani

会社名 株式会社ナナコプラス
代表者 代表取締役 三谷 由紀
所在地 〒604-0832 京都市中京区間之町通二条下ル鍵屋町465山川ビル2F
設立 2006年6月
事業内容 「にっぽんの四季を感じる新しい創作」をコンセプトに京都からオリジナル商品、菓子の企画及び製造、販売
知的財産 飴の樹脂コーティング及び飴と異素材の多種多様な組み合わせパーツ
-Company Profile-
◆Company Name Nanaco Plus Co., Ltd.
◆Representative Yuki Mitani, Representative Director
◆Address 577-22 Nakanocho,Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto, 604-8042,Japan
◆TEL +81-75-746-3474
◆FAX +81-75-746-3469
◆Established June,2006
◆Business Planning, production and sale of original products and sweets from Kyoto based on the concept of  inheriting the beauty of Japan’s four seasons and traditional craftsmanship to create something new with innovation and creativity
◆Intellectual Property Resin coating for candy and many and varied assembly parts made with candy and different
